Ausnahmezustand: Woher die Notlosigkeit als die höchste Not?
Prevue. Video courtesy of the author.
The audiovisual performance aims at augmenting our perception of the state of emergency and the lack thereof (Ausnahmezustand and Notlosigkeit) in the global society. It provides a perspective on the normalization of said state and the aesthetic shift it presents in urgency recognition.
The piece exposes a reality governed by an exponentially growing algorithm feeding upon itself. A reality dominated by the compulsiveness of a falsified urgency where diminishing attention span spirals down into the dissonant crescendo of a nervous breakdown.
The work is comprised of inverted notification sounds of popular messenger applications. It uses rhythmic recursion as a fundamental compositional method. The visuals are created by new media artist Katy Dresner.
Performance duration: 6 min.